When you enter our building, you will notice the warmth of the people. Greeters will welcome you with a worship bulletin at the sanctuary door. Our services include scripture reading, preaching, prayer, and music. You will be invited to stand, sing, pray, greet your neighbor, be in silence, or read responsively. The Lord's Supper is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month; our communion table is open, as Jesus never turned anyone away from fellowship with him. Each Sunday we end our service with a blessing and sending forth, because we gather every week to be sent out again into the world, refreshed in spirit and inspired to become more like Christ.
MUSICWe sing a variety of musical styles from classic church hymns to contemporary choruses. Our hymns and songs are accompanied by our pipe organ or piano. Our adult choir usually sings an anthem, and occasionally we will have vocal soloists or instrumental music.
CHILDRENChildren are welcome in worship. They are present for the first part of worship; then, following the children's message, they leave for our "Bible Tracks" Christian education class. On the first Sunday of each month, children stay in worship for communion. Childcare is available from a nursery attendant for all Sunday services. We offer a warm and welcoming nursery for children under the age of four. Parents sign their children in and are provided with a pager to take into worship.
SPECIAL SERVICESWe observe the liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, and Pentecost. During Lent, we meet on Wednesdays at 5:45 p.m. for Soup & Spirituality. Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services are part of our congregation’s worship schedule.